Stay agile and productive

The primitive way of managing physical employee records has long-term adverse repercussions on data compliance, legal, and audit. With WeP Employee Records Management, keep your electronics personnel files omnipresent while being productive and compliant.

Top employee record management system
Best employee record management software

Access and retention of records made easy

Access and retention are the basic building blocks of good records management. WeP Employee Records Management keeps your Employee Personnel records in a centralized location that is accessible anywhere.

  • Fast & secure retrieval of records
  • Centralized data storage
  • Advanced search capability with Metadata
  • Seamless collaboration with employees
  • Seamless collaboration with partners
  • Easy integration with third-party application

Manage employee records in a secured and compliant way

We understand that you take confidential employee data seriously and that is why we created a State-of-the-art application that has enterprise-level security with the following benefits:

  • Intuitive workspace and folder structure
  • Real-time file preview
  • E-Lockers feature to password protect your Employee records
  • Share data securely with auditors, authorities, and partners
  • AES 256-Bit (Advanced Encryption Standard)
  • An audit trail that helps you reconstruct the events in case of discrepancy with data compliance
hr file management software | employee record management software
Top employee record management system | hr document management software

Collecting, tracking, and following-up of employee documents

One of the typical challenges that our customers faced before adapting our Employee Record Management application is tracking and collecting physical employee documents at the time of hiring.

  • Dashboard report on the exact count of documents
  • Auto-notifications on missing document to keep track of employee records documents
  • Easy to manage organization communication and campaigns

We deliver great experiences through our phygital approach. Grow faster, start today.

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